Friday, February 5, 2010

IVF Stim day 9

Left to simmer on my own.

Because my u/s scan on Stim day 7 showed normally growing but super slow growing follies, I have been left o cook on my own. Meds are still the same, 3 bra.velle vials plus 1 men.opur vials and then 5 units of Lupron every night. But we just have enough for two more nights, I'm pretty sure they're going to have to give me more meds tomorrow when I go in for my next u/s scan.

I definitely feel a difference now. There's tightness and twinges in my lower belly, but I can't tell if it's the ovaries on overdrive (hopefully it's a good sign) or indigestion problems. A friend who has been through IVF twice asked if I was experience IVF bloat. I can't tell because I already have a belly and my stomach has been upset badly all week, so it's all digestive.

For my last scan, I was sick for the two days before and I had off from work so I rested nonstop. I am worrying that I've now dug a hole for myself. I've been the exact opposite of resting. Example, yesterday, I left for work at six, worked a full busy day, went straight to an appointment with a client for my photography business for 3 hours, and then went to a worship/music practice and didn't get home until right before ten. Tonight I have to sing for church after work but I'm relieved because this is a slow day in my schedule. I don't know how to slow things down. I don't feel like the IVF process has been that difficult but I'm a little nervous about the part, before egg retrieval. I'm wearing my most comfortable pants and who knows...maybe I'll wear them every day until my egg retrieval, ER.

Pray for me, that I have more than 6 follies approaching 18 mm tomorrow morning. That would mean miraculous growth but I'll pray. And I pray that they are beautiful, healthy, genetically healthy eggs.

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