Monday, February 15, 2010


2 days past a 5 day transfer

Sigh...bedrest coming to an end. I suck at bedrest. I have so much crap to do. I took off from my job but I still had a huge deadline this weekend that will take me all week. I had dreams of doing work in bed so I didn't think twice about the deadline and kind of counted on my three days of bedrest. But I never really thought about how I was going to have a laptop in bed. The nurse told me to keep heat away from my stomach and my laptop is an oven. So, yesterday after googling, I started to sit on a chair next to my bed and work on a tray. Today, I'm ending my confinement in bed. I feel like a prisoner. It doesn't help that well...our always full of people. We have a roommate and I couldnt' figure out a way to explain why I wasn't coming out of my room for three days so I told her the morning of my transfer what was happening. We also have a couple from another country staying with us. What bad timing but what can we do. My husband stays with them every year he goes to that country. I'm not telling them what's going on so Scott just told them that I'm feeling under the weather. But we have friends who come over every Sunday night so last night the house was filled with people and I felt like I had to sneak to the bathroom to pee. I hate the feeling of being trapped. I just don't want people to ask me how I feel or if I feel better. I hate it.

My husband's job involves people and it involves weekends. But it meant, Saturday we came back from our transfer and he had to leave for a dinner. The next morning he was gone, he came home for an hour, then he left for the birthday party of our best friend's baby girl, then he had dinner and people over last night. This morning, he had another event for work and tonight he's having a dinner for our guests from out of country. I don't fault him because we couldn't possibly know our transfer would fall on the weekend of valentines, a holiday, and Chinese New Year's all together. But I wish we could have an empty house and just hang out together...not in my room cave.

At least i'm happy everyone is at the dinner right now because I'm out of my cave and working on my deadline.

No symptoms. Feeling super normal and super strong. What can I say? I'm anxious and scared to no end....but I'll know in six days.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Autumn, I'm praying for you!!! Just think, all that isolation will pay off! I wish I could help you! If ANYONE deserves it, it's you!! Hang in there!
