Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cycle 13: 9 dpiui #2 BFN Prog=16

Basal Body Temp: 97.80
Hom pregnancy test in the morning: Big fat negative

So boobs are really sensitive, started last night. I really noticed today because I tried to jog a mile on the treadmill and looked stupid trying to pin my arms against my chests because they were so sensitive to the movement. So, that's on par with the past few cycles. No nausea....I love to eat. No mood swings except I'm irritated with people, but that's a regular occurence. No excessive trips to the bathroom. No symptoms.

I'm glad my basal body temperature is up but I know the more tellin days will be what happens in the next three days. Plus, the scientist in me loves it's quantitative nature. It's data. It's a number that can be studied and compared with other numbers. It's not subjective like boobs and their tenderness. Is this month's soreness more or less than last it different in sensation? Nope, can't tell you that. But I can look at my past months and say, yes, 9 days after ovulation mos ttemps weren't this high but there were some months it was.

The doctor called me with my blood tests results to check if I had ovulated. She said it confirmed I had. A total value of "16." I was a little disappointed. I know they want you over fifteen if you are on a medicated cycle and she says she didn't want it to be too high because that might indicate multiple follicles which meant multiple babies. Um, that's what I'm praying for. So, I walked to the gym after that call trying not to be depressed. But I already just feel like this cycle is a bust. We gave it an unbelievable shot. I ovulated close to day fourteen, my husband and I got in multiple tries in that fertile time period...there's nothing more we could have done more perfect. And yet, I fear my body just can't pull something like this out of the that. Every night, I just look forward to the morning to see what my body temp will tell me.

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