Thursday, January 28, 2010

1-2-3 Go Ovaries

Two days ago, I took a blood test to check my estradiol levels. They didn't tell me what exactly the level, but its' okayed to proceed with the next step. I've been on Lu.pron for 10 days which has been suppressing my system to give me a rest. Last night, my dosage of Lu.pron was halved and I am now starting my second shots, a combination of Brav.elle and Men.opur, which are synthetic versions of my FSH and LH hormones...the hormones to stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs. Go ovaries go!!! This is the exciting part for me because now my body is moving into an active stage. I'm nervous because everyone has said that the last few days they get really uncomfortable and bloated.

We had to make a new batch of Lu.pron syringes. you can premake these and just store refridgerated. Haven't told my roommate yet, just haven't felt like I want to share yet so we dumped the boxes out on our bed and made the syringes there. Well, Scott did. He's a natural at the whole thing. This was our first time with the tummy shot. It pinched a little more than the leg shot and I was trying to focus to relax which made me want to tense up and so I started to giggle nervously. I noticed that a drop of medicine oozed out afterward which worried me because the nurse said not to waste a drop of it. So I lay down hoping that gravity would absorb it into my skin. Not likely. But I have read that that is whew.

So now our prayers include an ovarian race. Go Team ovaries. I'm praying for plenty nice big follicles, with lots of eggs for the harvest. It's starting, I'm so excited.

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