Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Cycle 12: 8 dpiui #1

So yesterday, I felt really hopeless. Just reading the statistics on how long it takes to get pregnant using only hope is that just the fact that I'm on my fourth cycle of clomid gives me a better chance.

So, at day 8 past IUI, I figure I have another four days to wait until I can reasonable pee on a stick test.

I've read a lot of other blogs and people can pee test every day from 9 days until whenever...I don't know how they do it. Those tests just cost so much money, it adds up. They're like gold to me.

So I mainly want to document the sore boobies. Now with clomid, I get the sore BB's right before my AF and they stop hurting a day or two before AF arrives. I just want to figure out when they start. They don't seem as sensitive today or yesterday as they did on 6 dpiui. I feel like an insane person as I grope myself to figure out if they hurt. The left side always hurts more...the right side doesn't feel anything today. That's how it was when I got pregnant the first time.

I finally went to teh store yesterday and got some caffeine free coke. I've been drinking coke like there's no bad. So, i finally got some caffeine free which tastes the same to me. I worked out last night for the first time in like three weeks. I sprained my ankle after trying to start exercising after three months of nothingness and eating out. Today, I'm heavier than yesterday. I know that happens so I'm not too surprised. I'll just keep at it and I'll know that it will pay off.

I'm watching Jail. Man I feel so bad for police officers. They have crazy tough jobs.

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