Thursday, January 19, 2012

7 weeks 1 Day-First Ultrasound..It's a....

Symptoms: Complete nausea all day
Weight Change=not weighing myself
Milestones: Baby is the size of a blueberry this week

This morning was our first ultrasound at the IVF clinic. I started feeling nauseous early on, for the past week already. If I'm not feeling too nauseous, it's because I'm too exhausted to feel anything else but tired. There are some mornings when I wake up feeling glorious, rested and carefree. And little by little, I can feel the nausea start to creep on as time passes. I'm forcing myself to eat. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't make a difference, sometimes it makes me feel worse. But I'm eating 3 meals a day so far so I know it's not the worst it can be.

We went to the clinic this morning. Scott was a little late because of traffic so they just rushed us in. Seriously, the fastest ultrasound ever. I don't think the doc even bothered to sit down. He's the sandyhaired doctor. I can never remember their names. He turned the screen and said "there's your uterus, and there's the pregnancy."

One baby.

One baby measuring right on target with a flickering heartbeat.

Yes, a huge relief but I'm ashamed to say I'm a bit disappointed. I really had hoped for twins. It would bring us back to having three kids and seem like everything came full circle. And our baby C is special and extraordinary because of her journey. Following up with twins would mean that they would be special too. That's just my foolish thinking. I want them all to feel special. It's quite a weird concept to think that we're going to have a single, normal pregnancy. I don't know what that's like.

Plus, I"m disappointed because I want tons of kids and I realize that not every embryo is going to give us a baby. This might be our second and our last. Still, besides that stupid disappointment, I'm hopeful and so excited.

Scott said he had a dream two nights ago that he was getting the mail and he had two daughters with him (one being baby c). That's why he was so sure we weren't having twins. Well, we're certainly closer to his dream coming true.

I honestly can't believe I feel this sick with just one baby. I feel worse at this point then I did with triplets. Up until today, I had this irrational fear that I was pregnant with quads. Hmmm, I did read somewhere that morning sickness seems to be worse when you're pregnant with girls. I never buy into some of the conception and pregnancy myths I see out there...but this one could be something to think about. I actually would really like another girl. I love having a daughter. Plus, it would just make things a lot easier. We have all the clothes in the world for a little girl. We wouldn't have to buy anything, we're all set.

In one week, I'll be at 8 months. Two thirds of the way through the first trimester. Please protect my baby (girl/boy) and form their heart, organs and brain true and whole.

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