Tuesday, July 20, 2010

25 Weeks (3 Weeks to 1st Milestone)

Gestational Age: 25 weeks
Pregnancy Weight: 197.5 lb
Symptoms: harder time breathing when lying down, swollen ankles, sore back, stretch marks on BB,

Man, the days are just crawling by. I am holding my breath. I've been having braxton-hicks every day. Some days are filled with them. One day, I was having them every 15 minutes and only after an hour or so of lying down chugging water did it slow down to every 20 minutes. Even lying down all day sometimes doesn't slow it. I was starting to freak out that I wasn't going to be able to make it. Thankfully, the last two days have been real good, and I have just have them sporadically throughout the day.

My doc says to make sure we're ready for the babies because I'll be on bed rest soon. yah, right. Our house is a mess. I'm finally able to go on Amazon and order things, my first attempts were heartbreaking and would bring on sobbing fits as I realized I can only plan on enough for two babies. A part of me is scared to even do that. I think we're just going to buy one crib for now and then the second one after the babies come home and are doing fine. And of course, there's no place to put anything. Our house is so full of stuff, it is taking forever to sort through things. I'm just realizing that things are not going to get done. I have high hopes and dreams but not really.

Being home everyday is boring. I'm not mobile so I really can't take advantage of it to do things that would make me enjoy it. Like cleaning...or organizing. I have to lie down and I tackle a few tasks every day...so it doesn't make me feel like I'm making any headway. My dear mother, my dear absentee mother was supposed to come help me clean windows but she hasn't returned my call. The one time I call her in three years and she doesn't return it. That just figures. Sheesh.

I am getting tons of quality time with Scott although it's just us sitting at home. I wish we could think of things to do that my chubby, immobile self could do. I told Scott to get us a wheelchair and then he could push me around the neighborhood.

I love being pregnant. You feel special. Man, everyone jumps up and carries things for me. Brings me chairs. I need it so I greatly appreciate it. Oh, and the babies are so active. I think they take turns being awake so someone is always kicking. We went to see Dr. O yesterday and I smiled as the babies kicked his little ultrasound wand. That's my soccer girls.

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