Sunday, January 15, 2012

6 weeks 3 days Slight Nausea and Nervous for 1st Ultrasound

Weight: Heck no
Symptoms: No longer loving food, periodic nausea, periodic fatigue

So, I lost all my pregnancy weight through grief and spending my days in the hospital. Then I gained my pregnancy weight back and more through grief and having a baby at home. I now actually weigh more than when I was pregnant. So, I've not stepped on the scale in a few months now. I figure I'll get that nice shock when I go to the doctor's office in a few weeks.

Of course, ideally, I thought I would try to get into shape before we tried again but time ran out and I had gained weight instead. Aw frick!

I don't know if it is because I'm looking for it more but I've started to get periods of nausea already. Oh, no, it's starting already!!! I am at the phase where I'm not interested in food but then I think of something and go "Mmmm, yes, I want to eat that." So we get it, I eat it, then I feel nauseous and decide I never ever want to eat that again. I can no longer eat leftovers and I'm going to run out of new foods soon. Sometimes I'm really nauseous and most of the day I feel pretty normal. Right now I'm good. No explanation. So I'm not really watching what I'm eating or how much I'm eating. I actually try to eat whenever I can because I know the worst is coming soon. And since I really just don't have a hunger, I am really not drinking at much soda or tea as I used to because I just don't feel like eating or drinking

Some days I feel great like yesterday. Just energetic and motivated. Then today, I was falling asleep by lunch. Thank goodness it was a Saturday. I told the hubby to watch the little one, went to my bed and slept for three hours. Was tired all night but now that I'm at the computer, I feel fine. BBs don't feel tender which worry me. but after breastfeeding and that tenderness, maybe I'm just desensitized.

All I can think of is how that u/s appt. on Thursday will either bring me crushing news or the hugest blessing. I want to start to hope for the future but so much leans on that little doctor's appt.

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