Tuesday, April 13, 2010

10w4d Nausea up and now down

Oh, right after our appointment with the specialist, the nausea skyrocketed. I went from fighting the urge to throw up to actually throwing up. The medicine I had been taking didn't make me feel any different. I was trapped in bed and miserable. I called the doctor desperate to try another medicine but the nurse insisted I was so close I should just try and wait it out. She encouraged me to just try to hydrate myself and don't worry about solid food because the babies didn't need that much nutrition. Um, what about me? I hadn't eaten more than 500 calories a day in over a month. My hands were getting all shaky.

I broke down and called in sick to work for the next few days. I am gambling that I may be close enough to the end of the first trimester and won't be as bad by the time I have to go back to work.

This past weekend, was the first time I woke up feeling okay. Sadly, I still have no desire to eat. Just have more and longer moments of my stomach not turning over constantlly.

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