Wednesday, March 10, 2010

6w2d Nervous about first ultrasound

Pregnancy count: 6w2d

Weight gained: 3 lb (may be completely contributed to our trip to Vegas this past weekend and our redeeming 2 for 1 coupons at buffets)

Our first ultrasound is on Monday, I'll be exactly at seven weeks then. I am so scared. The days are just ticking by. My first and only pregnancy, I miscarried at 6 weeks or just a day before 6 weeks actually. Thank God, I was on vacation and we were in Vegas so I wasn't tormenting myself at work. I must say, that once I passed that day, I was hugely relieved. Now, I'm worried because I know there are not always signs of a miscarriage. my biggest fear is there being no baby or heartbeat on Monday's ultrasound. I know that is a possibility that has happened to girls I know. I'm on survival mode to just get to Monday now.

I have been preoccupied with googling every day. It was a count that I obsessed with. I would google 5w4d all day, and just read every link, forum discussion, and blog post by people about their 5w4d experience. Then the next morning, I would start all over with 5w5d. Scott's sister asked why I was always on my phone and I just said "googling." I also obsessed over my lack of symptoms. I have slightly sensitive boobies but they've definitely mellowed out although I do check every day. Absolutely no nausea or heartburn or anything. I have to pee no more than usual...I wake up 2 or 3 times a night to pee but I also drink a lot of liquids at night so that is not uncommon for me. So, google has me looking up morning sickness and the lack there of nonstop. I'm even praying for it. Call me sick but it would be worth it to be that sick just to have some reassurance. I know that 15% of women never feel nausea but I also would like to feel that there are hormones going crazy in my body.

The day before we left our trip, I took a third beta test and it came back


About 150 lower than I would have liked. Still in the average mode, but it did mean that the doubling rate slowed from 30 hours to 49 hours. I read that it is normal for it to slow down as you approach week five and six, but I definitely started to feel sick. My graph went from being above average to just being average...which would be okay if I started off average. I don't want it slowing down. So worry commenses.

I read that exhaustion and fatigue are the biggest signs of early pregnancy. I have been a little more tired the past week but I also had to work overtime right before our trip. I fell asleep before Scott every night on our trip which is abnormal for me but it wasn't like I was exhausted all day long. I told Scott I think because I hardly sleep normally, sleeping full 8-10 hour nights maybe is extreme fatigue to me.

We got back a day and a half ago and I do feel really tired. No energy...just lazy. I have felt the slightest bit of nausea but so slight that I'm not sure if I'm not imagining it. And I do make it worse because as soon as I wake up, I try to imagine eating different foods to test if it makes me nauseous. After a while, I do start to feel a little sick, but I never want to eat in the mornings.

So, if this ill feeling continues or progresses, I can count yesterday and today as nausea. If I feel perfectly normal, then I'll know it was just me making myself sick.

So, Nausea POSSIBLY starts for me


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