Sunday, April 15, 2012
Thursday, March 29, 2012
17 weeks pulling through the fog
Gestation: 17 weeks 0 days
Weight: 207.8 lb
Symptoms: still mild to moderate nausea (still taking my 4 pills of zo.fran a day), fatigue, belly bump (clothes don't fit), stages of extremem hunger, out of breath easily, been spotting (dark and just a tinge) consistently for a week now
Baby girl: Her skeleton is transforming froms oft cartilage to bone. Her umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker. She weighs 5 ounces now!!! She can move her joints and her sweat glands are starting to develop. She's about the size of a turnip (which I have no idea what that looks like).
This past week, much better than previous weeks because I'm over the worst of my cold but it is lingering. I think our household has been sick for almost a month now. Thank goodness, it is Spring break so I have the week off which has just been a lifesaver for me. The nausea is mild and usually, I can just distract myself with activities and not mind it. I still take my full dose of medicine because I just want to feel normal. I'm so much more better but I do get a little depressed because I just want a day to feel normal and the last three months have taken their toll.
On Monday, we went to a movie and I ate a hot dog. I know i'm scared that those are one of the risky foods to eat but it was something I was craving so bad. It tasted so good! On Tuesday, I dropped C off at the babysitter's and I cleaned my house. We've all been getting hit hard with allergies so i'm trying to tackle the dirt and dust that used to be our house. I was so productive. I'm sleepy tired but I was able to keep moving for the whole day. Yesterday, I took C to the beach. Carrying her across sand takes such a toll on me and my body. Just walking up a short hill to get to the sand, I found myself slowly panting and heaving.
I now understand why obese people can't exercise. I always watch those shows and just think "why don't they just do a little walking every day." But I'm so tired every day...I try to save what energy I have for things that I must absolutely do...buy groceries, make dinner for the fam, bathe my baby. I have to collapse on the couch just to recover. I find myself having to give up halfway through my to-do lists. Yesterday was great for C, but I'm paying the price today. I just don't have the energy. It was just an hour trip to the beach but the physical toll, then giving baths, washing our salty clothes and towels, I'm so sluggish today.
I also need to go buy maternity clothes. My pants are too tight to wear. Oh, and I ate breakfast but didn't eat lunch. I don't even notice and can go the whole day without eating but some days (like yesterday), I was just starving. I ate a small meal every three hours. I only stopped because I finished off all the beef stroganoff and there was just nothing left to eat.
I can't remember being this fatigued the first pregnancy so I don't know if this is going to change or if maybe I'm just out of shape. I'm so thankful for this break from work...I wish I had just a little more time. I'm also picking up more photography gigs...which is great when I'm sitting at my computer setting them up but I wonder how wise it is. That trip to the beach yesterday took it out of me...will I have enough to do these shoots?
Weight: 207.8 lb
Symptoms: still mild to moderate nausea (still taking my 4 pills of zo.fran a day), fatigue, belly bump (clothes don't fit), stages of extremem hunger, out of breath easily, been spotting (dark and just a tinge) consistently for a week now
Baby girl: Her skeleton is transforming froms oft cartilage to bone. Her umbilical cord is growing stronger and thicker. She weighs 5 ounces now!!! She can move her joints and her sweat glands are starting to develop. She's about the size of a turnip (which I have no idea what that looks like).
This past week, much better than previous weeks because I'm over the worst of my cold but it is lingering. I think our household has been sick for almost a month now. Thank goodness, it is Spring break so I have the week off which has just been a lifesaver for me. The nausea is mild and usually, I can just distract myself with activities and not mind it. I still take my full dose of medicine because I just want to feel normal. I'm so much more better but I do get a little depressed because I just want a day to feel normal and the last three months have taken their toll.
On Monday, we went to a movie and I ate a hot dog. I know i'm scared that those are one of the risky foods to eat but it was something I was craving so bad. It tasted so good! On Tuesday, I dropped C off at the babysitter's and I cleaned my house. We've all been getting hit hard with allergies so i'm trying to tackle the dirt and dust that used to be our house. I was so productive. I'm sleepy tired but I was able to keep moving for the whole day. Yesterday, I took C to the beach. Carrying her across sand takes such a toll on me and my body. Just walking up a short hill to get to the sand, I found myself slowly panting and heaving.
I now understand why obese people can't exercise. I always watch those shows and just think "why don't they just do a little walking every day." But I'm so tired every day...I try to save what energy I have for things that I must absolutely do...buy groceries, make dinner for the fam, bathe my baby. I have to collapse on the couch just to recover. I find myself having to give up halfway through my to-do lists. Yesterday was great for C, but I'm paying the price today. I just don't have the energy. It was just an hour trip to the beach but the physical toll, then giving baths, washing our salty clothes and towels, I'm so sluggish today.
I also need to go buy maternity clothes. My pants are too tight to wear. Oh, and I ate breakfast but didn't eat lunch. I don't even notice and can go the whole day without eating but some days (like yesterday), I was just starving. I ate a small meal every three hours. I only stopped because I finished off all the beef stroganoff and there was just nothing left to eat.
I can't remember being this fatigued the first pregnancy so I don't know if this is going to change or if maybe I'm just out of shape. I'm so thankful for this break from work...I wish I had just a little more time. I'm also picking up more photography gigs...which is great when I'm sitting at my computer setting them up but I wonder how wise it is. That trip to the beach yesterday took it out of me...will I have enough to do these shoots?
Saturday, March 24, 2012
16 weeks sigh
Gestations: 16 weeks 2 days
Weight: 205.6 lb
Symptoms: mild to moderate nausea, lessening motion sickness, bulging belly, barely noticeable larger breasts, trouble eating normal to large meals, still tired
Baby: baby girl is about 4 inches long and 3-4 ounces. She's the size of an avocado. That seems big to me since Astro got down to 1 lb 12 oz after birth. Baby girl is starting to make different expressions and bones have formed in her ear meaning that she can start to hear now.
Boy, boy, just got home from the Eas.ter fun fair. So exhausted. Thank goodness that I'm starting spring break. I'm just feeling useless.
My cold is still lingering but it finally started to dissipate on Tuesday. The nausea dropped from severe to moderate but I just passed sixteen months and I still feel it. Not horrible, but I'm not normal. Super upset.
This past week, I felt much more normal most of the days but I also started having trouble eating. My stomach just feels pushed up. I noticed that just eating a little would make my stomach hurt and it felt like I had food in my throat. So, I'm battling to eating small but frequent meals and not feeling like I want to eat sometimes.
I'm trying to put in more at work but it just get tired out so easily. It's so much walking...just getting to my office from the car takes it out of me. I know I'm way better than a month ago so I'm trying to do more also.
I'm in stretchy yoga pants. Halfway through the week, I just realized that my pants waistband was just too tight. The rest of my clothes fit fine, just the waist. I need to go buy some maternity clothes before school starts up again. I'm been spotting again since yesterday but just spotting and it is very dark and old-looking. Still, torn between trying to clean my house and get myself in order during spring break and also knowing I don't want to risk pushing myself.
Today I found myself rubbing my tummy. I think I'm starting to look and feel pregnant. It's nice. We've been telling people in person and word is getting around. We go to the specialist in a week for our next ultrasound. With the spotting, I'm relieved the ultrasound is coming quickly and we should find out for sure if we are having a girl or not.
So glad to be here at 16 weeks. Hoping 17 weeks brings a complete end to nausea...a little scared this pregnancy is going to be different. Please no!
Thursday, March 15, 2012
15 weeks 0 days Sickness, Nausea and a lovely trip to the ER
Gestational Age: 15 weeks 0 days
Pregnancy Weight: 205.6 lb
Symptoms: some bleeding over the weekend, nausea, motion sickness, a growing belly, bluish veins on chest
Well, I took so long to blog that I kind of forget everything. I just remember
12 weeks 3 days and 4 days: The nausea was bad that I wanted to just give up. I threw up in the St. John bathroom at work which is a disgustingly dirty place anyway...I then am scared to go back in there. I called my doctor almost crying. The medicine isn't working, i want to try something else...anything else. They said that I could try another medicine but it was less effective and wouldn't take away the nausea but it would also make me drowsy and some people have difficulty going to work because of the drowsiness. So, whatever, I'll stick with it.
Then right before I hit 13 weeks, I felt a huge change. My nausea is still consistent and all day long but it is much less intense. It became so much more milder. Oh, my goodness...could it be?!? Even before i hit 14 weeks. I started feeling so much happier, the light at the end of the tunnel was getting brighter. We were going to make it!!
We told Scott's grandparents that we were pregnant and his feisty grandma's first response was that we needed to be careful. That she miscarried during her fourth month of pregnancy three times. That she was horribly sick with nausea and when it finally started to go away, then she miscarried. Well, isn't that lovely...so then that got me stinking worrying about the sudden decrease in nausea miserableness.
I know nausea is a rollercoaster but a week went by without having a really bad day. All right!!! then we got super busy...my brother and his familly came in, I was swamped at work. The fatigue and constant driving around really got my nausea revved up. Scott told people at his working place so we saw them all at a baby shower and everyone was super excited. Then that night, as I was going to bed, I coughed or sneezed and felt a rush of wetness. I thought it was pee until I looked and saw bright red bloo.
Scott was using the bathroom but I barged in and just said "i'm bleeding." It was midnight and I was bleeding a heavy bright red flow. I kept going to the bathroom and TMI...sometimes I could just push and a stream of blood would come out as if I was peeing. I knew it wasn't a good sign. But I also knew we were exhausted. My brother and his family were sleeping in the living room. And I knew if I was miscarrying, the hospital wouldn't be able to do anything. So, I told Scott that we should just try to get some sleep and go to the ER in the morning. I couldn't sleep of course...I kept going to the bathroom every 30 minutes and wiping away blood. I managed to sleep for about 4 hours and I woke up at six...I was still bleeding. So, Scott and I dropped C off at his parents and went to the hospital.
All night, I just kept thinking about what I did to cause a miscarriage. I had been active that day but nothing too hard. I had been feeling so nauseous that i laid down a lot. I didn't carry anything heavy. I started questioning whether it was because I took an extra Zof.ran pill every now and then. I had taken that one allergy pill that one day and I wasn't positive if that was allowed. Maybe she had passed away weeks before and my body was only now started to reject her. Our last appointment was three weeks prior, why the doctors have me scheduled for an appointment later in the first trimester instead of at 11 weeks.
I also just wondered if we produced defective children and C was truly our one and only miracle child. I held it together the whole time we got to the hospital and checked in. Answered questions matter-of-factly, just felt cold inside and out. They put me in a room and the doctor came in with an ultrasound machine. I wouldn't look. He was moving the wand around and I kept a timed commentary in my head "he's looking for the baby...he found her...he's looking at the heart...there's no heartbeat...he waits...no heartbeat...he moved to try a different angle...still no heartbeat." Then he took the wand away and said "I see the baby...I see a nice heartbeat."
What?!? Then the flood of tears just broke. Oh, my God. I cant' believe it. He was such a nice doctor. He picked the wand back up and showed us. There she was...lying on her back looking bigger than the last time we saw her. He did a pelvic exam and I was still bleeding although much less. So they had an ultrasound tech do a better ultrasound to look for the source of bleeding They suspect my placenta might be covering the cervix which it can move. They think there might be a tiny bit of blood but can't be sure. They said that it would be a very bad sign if i was earlier in my pregnancy but I'm in a much better stage but he stressed, I'm not out of the woods yet. No pelvice activity (my head whipped around to look at poor Scott).
Sunday, the bleeding started to fade and then decrease but by the end of Monday it was just spotting and then completely disappeared. What a relief.
My regular OB waved off the ultrasound tech's idea that I might have placenta previ.a. She said "they're not my brother. he'll find out for sure." So I saw baby on Sunday and heard her heartbeat on Monday. I go back tomorrow for a regular visit so I'll hear her again...that's very reassuring.
Unfortunately, the stress and the lack of sleep made me vulnerable and I came down with a super bad cold. all this phlegm and coughing has just shot my nausea back up to overdrive. I threw up the remains of slurpee on Monday. That brings this pregnancy's vomit number to more than with the triplet pregnancy. So, now I'm at 15 weeks and I don't see the nausea getting better. BLAH!!! My poor hubby is back to being depressed again. Hopefully next week will bring a different story.
Pregnancy Weight: 205.6 lb
Symptoms: some bleeding over the weekend, nausea, motion sickness, a growing belly, bluish veins on chest
Well, I took so long to blog that I kind of forget everything. I just remember
12 weeks 3 days and 4 days: The nausea was bad that I wanted to just give up. I threw up in the St. John bathroom at work which is a disgustingly dirty place anyway...I then am scared to go back in there. I called my doctor almost crying. The medicine isn't working, i want to try something else...anything else. They said that I could try another medicine but it was less effective and wouldn't take away the nausea but it would also make me drowsy and some people have difficulty going to work because of the drowsiness. So, whatever, I'll stick with it.
Then right before I hit 13 weeks, I felt a huge change. My nausea is still consistent and all day long but it is much less intense. It became so much more milder. Oh, my goodness...could it be?!? Even before i hit 14 weeks. I started feeling so much happier, the light at the end of the tunnel was getting brighter. We were going to make it!!
We told Scott's grandparents that we were pregnant and his feisty grandma's first response was that we needed to be careful. That she miscarried during her fourth month of pregnancy three times. That she was horribly sick with nausea and when it finally started to go away, then she miscarried. Well, isn't that lovely...so then that got me stinking worrying about the sudden decrease in nausea miserableness.
I know nausea is a rollercoaster but a week went by without having a really bad day. All right!!! then we got super busy...my brother and his familly came in, I was swamped at work. The fatigue and constant driving around really got my nausea revved up. Scott told people at his working place so we saw them all at a baby shower and everyone was super excited. Then that night, as I was going to bed, I coughed or sneezed and felt a rush of wetness. I thought it was pee until I looked and saw bright red bloo.
Scott was using the bathroom but I barged in and just said "i'm bleeding." It was midnight and I was bleeding a heavy bright red flow. I kept going to the bathroom and TMI...sometimes I could just push and a stream of blood would come out as if I was peeing. I knew it wasn't a good sign. But I also knew we were exhausted. My brother and his family were sleeping in the living room. And I knew if I was miscarrying, the hospital wouldn't be able to do anything. So, I told Scott that we should just try to get some sleep and go to the ER in the morning. I couldn't sleep of course...I kept going to the bathroom every 30 minutes and wiping away blood. I managed to sleep for about 4 hours and I woke up at six...I was still bleeding. So, Scott and I dropped C off at his parents and went to the hospital.
All night, I just kept thinking about what I did to cause a miscarriage. I had been active that day but nothing too hard. I had been feeling so nauseous that i laid down a lot. I didn't carry anything heavy. I started questioning whether it was because I took an extra Zof.ran pill every now and then. I had taken that one allergy pill that one day and I wasn't positive if that was allowed. Maybe she had passed away weeks before and my body was only now started to reject her. Our last appointment was three weeks prior, why the doctors have me scheduled for an appointment later in the first trimester instead of at 11 weeks.
I also just wondered if we produced defective children and C was truly our one and only miracle child. I held it together the whole time we got to the hospital and checked in. Answered questions matter-of-factly, just felt cold inside and out. They put me in a room and the doctor came in with an ultrasound machine. I wouldn't look. He was moving the wand around and I kept a timed commentary in my head "he's looking for the baby...he found her...he's looking at the heart...there's no heartbeat...he waits...no heartbeat...he moved to try a different angle...still no heartbeat." Then he took the wand away and said "I see the baby...I see a nice heartbeat."
What?!? Then the flood of tears just broke. Oh, my God. I cant' believe it. He was such a nice doctor. He picked the wand back up and showed us. There she was...lying on her back looking bigger than the last time we saw her. He did a pelvic exam and I was still bleeding although much less. So they had an ultrasound tech do a better ultrasound to look for the source of bleeding They suspect my placenta might be covering the cervix which it can move. They think there might be a tiny bit of blood but can't be sure. They said that it would be a very bad sign if i was earlier in my pregnancy but I'm in a much better stage but he stressed, I'm not out of the woods yet. No pelvice activity (my head whipped around to look at poor Scott).
Sunday, the bleeding started to fade and then decrease but by the end of Monday it was just spotting and then completely disappeared. What a relief.
My regular OB waved off the ultrasound tech's idea that I might have placenta previ.a. She said "they're not my brother. he'll find out for sure." So I saw baby on Sunday and heard her heartbeat on Monday. I go back tomorrow for a regular visit so I'll hear her again...that's very reassuring.
Unfortunately, the stress and the lack of sleep made me vulnerable and I came down with a super bad cold. all this phlegm and coughing has just shot my nausea back up to overdrive. I threw up the remains of slurpee on Monday. That brings this pregnancy's vomit number to more than with the triplet pregnancy. So, now I'm at 15 weeks and I don't see the nausea getting better. BLAH!!! My poor hubby is back to being depressed again. Hopefully next week will bring a different story.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
13 weeks 0 days It's so much better
Today I'm actually 13 weeks 6 days but I never posted from last week Thursday.
Gestational Age: 13 weeks 0 days
Pregnancy weight: 206.8 lb
Symptoms: no chest tenderness, no cravings, headaches on certain days (probably dehydration),
Friday, February 24, 2012
12 weeks 0 days It's not working
Gestational Age: 12w0d
Pregnancy Weight: 205.6 (I am about 30 lb heavier than this stage in the first pregnancy)
Symptoms: Moderate but persistent nausea from morning to night, gagging, having to walk slowly, hate car rides, no motivation,
Food aversions: anything saucy or moist, I crave dairy but it does not sit well with me
Baby is: about 2 inches long and weighs in at 0.5 oz. She's developing reflexes like opening and closing her hand, curling her toes and making sucking movements with her mouth.
I am so close but I feel like I'm losing steam. So time is slowing down and I'm rapidly running out of motivation and hope. I have about two minutes from the time I wake up until I feel the nausea start to rise through my groggy fog. And there it rumbles with me until about ten minutes after I fall asleep. I have the feeling that my medicine is not working for me. I feel no different after taking it but I take it anyway, all four pills because if it is working, then I don't want to experience how bad it is when I don't take it.
This past Monday I had a period of normalcy. I had a photo shoot in the morning and met Scott for lunch. I of course didn't feel like food so I suggested shave ice but then realized that there were hunger pangs mixed in with the nausea. So we ate Hawaiian food, beef stew and lau lau. And I ate and ate and it tasted good. I felt great afterward. I was so happy. Maybe this was the turn around. Really, this week, I feel much better than I did a week and half ago. But it's still nausea. After Monday's experience, I keep trying to recreate that great feeling. Forcing myself to eat, hoping to get the same response. It's not been successful. It's depressing. I want to know at what point I start to feel better. But I know this week on a whole has been much better than last week. I'm not happy but I'm able to do work. Yes, I'd much rather lie in bed all day but I can get myself to move around and do stuff. I have noticed that I feel better on weekends...I really do think it's the mentality of being able to relax that helps.
We went to see our specialist on Tuesday for a first screening, the dreaded NT test. I was so anxious but I saw the tech type in NT=1.0. Oh, I know that's good!!! So, when the doctor came in, he told me what I already suspected. Baby is looking normal...boring is the word he used. Of course, we'll do a more thorough check with the cardiologist at 20 weeks but we passed one milestone. And yes, we know it's super early but we asked for a look at the crotch and in his medical best opinion, giving it about a 90% chance...he declared we are having an....
another girl!
ha ha ha, we know the baby is small but I'm going to assume that he's right and maybe we'll just get another surprise at the next visit. he was right the last time=)
Ha ha, I can't believe another girl. Oh, boy, I hope we can come up with a girl name that we both like. That's so difficult for us.
We're not going as public as the first time with facebook and blogs. But we are starting to tell people around us. I called my siblings after the doctor said everything looks good with her heart. My sisters are so excited...the pregnant one cried. My brother kind of took it in an odd fashion, sounded like something else was bothering him but I don't know what. The big thing was I told my work place. I've only been there half a year so I don't think they're that happy but they're rolling with it. Phew, I was dreading that part.
I hit 12 weeks which is a big milestone. Now, if I can just hit 14 weeks and then 16 weeks, I know I'm going to see dramatic improvement in the nausea. I just wish the end of nausea would get her a ton bit faster.
Pregnancy Weight: 205.6 (I am about 30 lb heavier than this stage in the first pregnancy)
Symptoms: Moderate but persistent nausea from morning to night, gagging, having to walk slowly, hate car rides, no motivation,
Food aversions: anything saucy or moist, I crave dairy but it does not sit well with me
Baby is: about 2 inches long and weighs in at 0.5 oz. She's developing reflexes like opening and closing her hand, curling her toes and making sucking movements with her mouth.
I am so close but I feel like I'm losing steam. So time is slowing down and I'm rapidly running out of motivation and hope. I have about two minutes from the time I wake up until I feel the nausea start to rise through my groggy fog. And there it rumbles with me until about ten minutes after I fall asleep. I have the feeling that my medicine is not working for me. I feel no different after taking it but I take it anyway, all four pills because if it is working, then I don't want to experience how bad it is when I don't take it.
This past Monday I had a period of normalcy. I had a photo shoot in the morning and met Scott for lunch. I of course didn't feel like food so I suggested shave ice but then realized that there were hunger pangs mixed in with the nausea. So we ate Hawaiian food, beef stew and lau lau. And I ate and ate and it tasted good. I felt great afterward. I was so happy. Maybe this was the turn around. Really, this week, I feel much better than I did a week and half ago. But it's still nausea. After Monday's experience, I keep trying to recreate that great feeling. Forcing myself to eat, hoping to get the same response. It's not been successful. It's depressing. I want to know at what point I start to feel better. But I know this week on a whole has been much better than last week. I'm not happy but I'm able to do work. Yes, I'd much rather lie in bed all day but I can get myself to move around and do stuff. I have noticed that I feel better on weekends...I really do think it's the mentality of being able to relax that helps.
We went to see our specialist on Tuesday for a first screening, the dreaded NT test. I was so anxious but I saw the tech type in NT=1.0. Oh, I know that's good!!! So, when the doctor came in, he told me what I already suspected. Baby is looking normal...boring is the word he used. Of course, we'll do a more thorough check with the cardiologist at 20 weeks but we passed one milestone. And yes, we know it's super early but we asked for a look at the crotch and in his medical best opinion, giving it about a 90% chance...he declared we are having an....
another girl!
ha ha ha, we know the baby is small but I'm going to assume that he's right and maybe we'll just get another surprise at the next visit. he was right the last time=)
Ha ha, I can't believe another girl. Oh, boy, I hope we can come up with a girl name that we both like. That's so difficult for us.
We're not going as public as the first time with facebook and blogs. But we are starting to tell people around us. I called my siblings after the doctor said everything looks good with her heart. My sisters are so excited...the pregnant one cried. My brother kind of took it in an odd fashion, sounded like something else was bothering him but I don't know what. The big thing was I told my work place. I've only been there half a year so I don't think they're that happy but they're rolling with it. Phew, I was dreading that part.
I hit 12 weeks which is a big milestone. Now, if I can just hit 14 weeks and then 16 weeks, I know I'm going to see dramatic improvement in the nausea. I just wish the end of nausea would get her a ton bit faster.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
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